Sunday, May 16, 2010

Guess Who's In Town?!

My new nephew C!  C and his family live on the West coast in Oregon so I don't get to see them that often--usually about once a year when they come over in August.  (Someday I'll actually get over there.)  C and his Mommy flew in for the weekend so she could be here for her friend's graduation from law school.  As soon as I smiled at C, we bonded almost immediately.  He hates to be on his stomache, so learning to crawl is going to be a battle.  However, he did manage to stay on his belly longer while I was playing with him.  When my sister fed him his bottle, he kept looking around to make sure I was still there and hadn't left.  Then, he kept fighting sleep because he wanted me to play with him a little bit more.  (He did finally fall asleep, so I left.)  All in all, it was a great visit and I can't wait to see this handsome young man grow up.


Brittanie said...

Aww. He is so cute. :)

Kirsten said...

You are funny! But I know what you mean! 20 days and I'll get to see all 4 of my nephews (hey, they are age 26 to five!!! What fun I'll be having...hopefully I'll get to meet the gf's of the older two :-))