Sunday, October 24, 2010

One is the loneliest number...

Have you ever been so stressed out that you couldn't even form coherent words or thoughts?  That's the way the past couple of weeks have been for me.  It's pretty scary when my students have learned how to interpret my hand-gestures and grunts to figure out what I'm trying to tell them.  (It's like charades every day.)

I thought things were getting better because my anxiety and stress were decreasing, and then my Principal dropped the bomb on me this week.  Due to budget cuts and a decreasing student population (we have 1837 students now), my secretary is being moved from the Media Center to the Guidance Office.  That means I have to run our HUMONGOUS library on my own.  Really? 

I guess I have a cape hidden somewhere on my person and that I embody some superhero power (at least that's what I'm telling myself) because our Guidance Office has 7 people in it that could feasibly rotate for an hour each day to cover their secretary position, and there's only me in the library. Really? 

So, tomorrow will be my first day trying to run the library without help.  Please pray for me because there are many things I have to re-learn how to do because my secretary always did them for me.  Please pray for my secretary because she doesn't exactly want to go to Guidance either--they're not the friendliest bunch.  And please pray for our students because ultimately they're the ones that are going to suffer as a result of this change.


Kirsten said...

Oh, I am so sorry! This does not sound like they know what all a librarian does. You ought to stay home sick for a couple of days and see what will happen then. They need to know how hard you work...I do believe they just don't like the library...can't imagine a big school like that not complying with the ALA...I think you ought to check the guidelines about how many librarians are needed to run a big school like that. But then again, they just do what they want to do anyway. Sorry, and best of luck to you!

The Dynamic Uno said...

Thankfully, my principal does know some of what I do. Unfortunately, this is a District decision that has finally trickled down. The guy second in command does not like libraries and he's already said that all we do is "read and check out books" and "we don't need libraries because everything is going digital." *sigh* We're supposedly being hailed as a national model,but those of us working in the system know that we're going to go the route of California and implode.

I am out this mroning though and I'm out for the whole day Friday, so the school will be getting a dose of reality soon. The sad thing is that it's the kids who are going to suffer as a result and no one seems to care. Grrrrr...