Thursday, March 1, 2018

You Tube Thursday

Ever have those times in your life where you wish you could just run away to a quieter and slower-paced place?  That's where I am right now with all of the changes taking place both personally and professionally. 

I just want to run away and not worry about anything for awhile.  I'm tired of having to make decisions non-stop and I'm tired of having to interact with people because that costs me a lot of energy.  My energy has been depleted and I need a chance to restore for awhile.  Sadly, since I'm not able to run away right now, I listen to this song by the Dixie Chicks--Cowboy Take Me Away.

I don't agree with their politics, but every time I hear this song I think about a place where I can escape and things are good for awhile--just me, my cowboy, and quiet.  If that's where you are today, then, please--enjoy!

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