Sunday, March 25, 2007

No! You Can't Make Me...

My inner twelve-year-old has been screaming all day long that she DOES NOT want to go back to school tomorrow! I finally showed her our bank statement (in the negative right now) and she went pouting off into the corner, whimpering every so often. I think she's finally realizing that we ARE going to work tomorrow, not school--two totally different places. Hopefully there will not be any more tantrums, but I suspect that tomorrow morning she'll try one last time.

Other misadventures this week:
*I deleted my dad's company's website (Major OOPS! I forgot I was working in "real time" and deleted the files. Guess what I'll be doing the next few weekends?).

*Met my friend A for lunch to hear about her trip to Costa Rica

*Visited Cypress Gardens with my niece and her best friend (who is a major BRAT!)

*Finalized items for work tomorrow

*Spoke with a friend who wants to stay with me for a month while she's separating from her husband (doesn't she understand that separation = divorce (?) Been there and done that!)

*Met with my work friend A and had dinner after a very stressful Spring Break. (One of her puppies has been really sick this week.)

The Amazing Race is finally on--I HATE basketball!

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